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Bremond ISD



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January Breakfast and Lunch Menus 

January K-12 Breakfast

January Breakfast Cart Menu

January K-5 Lunch

January 9-12 Lunch

January Slider 6-8 Lunch

January 6-8 Lunch


Adult Prices:

$3.50 - Breakfast

$5.00 - Lunch


National School Lunch Program – Community Eligibility Program

Bremond ISD participates in the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program and offers students nutritionally balanced meals daily per standards set forth in state and federal law. 

The district will also participate in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP), allowing all Bremond ISD students to receive one free breakfast and one free lunch per day without filling out a lunch application. Parents must fill out a Socio-economic form per household for PEIMS (this form will be added to the registration forms for the first time this year).

Schools qualifying to operate CEP, serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge and eliminate the collection of meal applications for free, reduced-price, and paid student meals.  This new approach reduces burdens for families and school administrators and helps ensure students receive nutritious meals.

Bremond ISD has partnered with WQS (Walker Quality Services) to provide district cafeteria/food services.  Lunch menus are available online through the website link above.  Students will be allowed to purchase additional meals and ala carte items; however, students will not be allowed to charge any items.

Parents and/or guardians may check their student’s food service account balance at any time and may add funds to their account online by using the “Myschoolbucks” site located at the website link above.  

By Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, disability, age, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. 



Media Release for Parents

2024-2025 Social Economic Form

Nondiscrimination Statement Guidance



My School Bucks

Parent or Guardian Letter Regarding Grab & Go Breakfast

My School Bucks Online Payment 



Food Director...Christina Puente
Head Cook...Cheryl Welch
Ezra RileyDayana Diaz, Juliet Japin


Student Wellness Information